A View to a Kill
Игра добавлена 21.11.2011
Описание игры
И снова вы в роли бесстрашного агента 007 — Джеймса Бонда. Ваша задача: спасти мир от ядерной катастрофы. Для этого необходимо отыскать ядерный реактор и уничтожить его. Игра не отличается хорошей графикой, но любителям «ходилок» она должна понравиться.
- Прыгайте в самый последний момент, с самого края
- Ориентируйтесь по счётчику Гейгера
- Собирайте все предметы.
Управление у этой игры очень сложное, так как есть несколько дополнительных команд: исследование, использование, управление лифтом, верёвка вверх, верёвка вниз, пауза, выход.
- Первый порядок клавиш (CS/Z/P/L/B+SPACE)
- Второй порядок клавиш (M/SS/Q/A/CS+V)
- Кемпстон-джойстик
- Интерфейс 2
- Старт.
Описание игры на другом языке
How to Load - Please refer to cassette tape
Your name is Bond - James Bond, the world's
top Secret Agent, and now embarking on one
of the most important missions of your career.
To fail is the worst thing that can happen to you.
Your objective is to discover what dastardly
plan is being hatched by Max Zorin, an unscru-
pulous European electronics magnate, and
prevent him from carrying it out. You learn that
the information you need is in three main lo-
cations. Paris, where you must make contact
with May Day to get a vital clue. The City Hall in
San Francisco, where various secrets are hid-
den, and finally a Silver Mine under Silicon Val-
ley, where you piece together your information
and finally foil Max Zorin - we all hope!
At the end of the first two games you'll be given
a code which you must type in at the start of
each new game. This simply tells the program
how well you've done in the last game, and
passes over various helpful pieces of informa-
tion. You may play any game at any time, but to
be totally successful in the final game you must
have done as well as James Bond himself
would have! This will become apparent as you
play each game. Once you've got the codes,
you can always use them again - the numbers
are not randomly generated each time. How-
ever, you may wish to improve them each time.
Each game is played in real time. You're against
the clock - and good times are passed on via
the code to give you more time in subsequent
James Bond doesn't exactly die - but he can fail
when you play him! He may irrevocably
damage his car around Paris - or become
engulfed in flames in City Hall. How the real
James Bond gets out of these situations without
your help (some might say interference!) is left
to your imagination. Needless to say, he lives to
fight another day, and you can try, try and try
(Different in various games)
Pause - Select this on your menu, and give
yourself a break. Open a bottle of Bollinger
Champagne, or light a Davidoff cigar. Sit back
for thought, and time will stand still.
Abort - So things are a little tricky on this mis-
sion and you want a weekend in Acapulco.
Select Abort on the menus, press 'fire' twice (not
applicable in Paris - you're on holiday anyway)
and pack your bags.
Music - You have a choice of "The James Bond
Theme" by Monty Norman (c) 1962 United Part-
nerships Ltd. Reproduced by permission, or the
hit single "A View to a Kill" by Duran Duran and
John Barry (c) 1985 Tritec Music Ltd/CBS Songs
Ltd. Reproduced by permission at various
points in the game.
Controls - All games may be joystick or key-
board operated.
Speech - You'll hear it at various times - listen
The scene is set:
Bond has been briefed by 'M' and has been
instructed to find out what Max Zorin's plot is all
about. He has lunch in the Eiffel Tower with a
friendly Agent who is killed by May Day. Bond
chases her up the Tower, but she hurls herself
off the top and parachutes to a drop point on
the outskirts of Paris. He leaps onto the top of
the Tower lift and commandeers a taxi at the
bottom. From then on, you take over. You can
follow her movements with the aid of a radio
tracker, which indicates her proximity and her
altitude, and her shadow will pass over your
aerial view. You can see the building in front of
you through the windscreen, and your speed,
the time and your damage is indicated on the
dash-board. Your objective is to reach the cor-
rect drop point exactly at the same time as she
does, but be careful. The winds constantly
change, and her direction may alter at any
time, landing her on any one of a number of
possible drop points.
Along your route you will encounter various
hazards. The street's one way system is indi-
cated by little yellow arrows, and going against
the system may cause the police cars to chase
you. Watch out, they may take a pot shot at you!
The drivers around Paris are fairly reckless,
and the odd Porsche may career into you. There
are barriers to avoid, and brushing into build-
ings will definitely take it out on your blue
Renault. Because Bond never travels without a
pistol, you can use one here to knock out
unwelcome vehicles which may get into your
path. Also, being an expert driver, handbrake
turns are easy for you, and may get you out of
tricky situations!
Controls - for details of joystick or keyboard
controls see the title screen.
In the event that you fail to catch May Day the
game will automatically start again. Maybe
you'll have learnt something! If you do well your
code will be important for use in later games. It
relates your success to the other programs, in a
way that you'll subsequently discover.
James Bond has travelled to San Francisco in
his search for Max Zorin. Armed with the infor-
mation from May Day he finds him in the City
Hall, but Zorin turns the tables. At gun point,
Bond and his companion, Stacey, are pushed
into the lift, and trapped between floors. In an
effort to finish them off in an "accident", Zorin
sets fire to the top floor of the City Hall, and
leaves. Bond pulls himself out of the lift and
must now get Stacey and himself out of the
burning building. You take over at this point.
Using the "duck shoot" menu system, you can
either move Bond from room to room, or take
action, such as searching, using, dropping or
issuing commands to Stacey. You can also
select the top menu, to collect objects which will
be useful later on. There is however a limit to
what you can carry, so be selective. Your objec-
tive is to find some way of getting Stacey out of
the lift, and fight your way to safety.
You will notice that the fire has started on
your view of the City Hall. This will spread
across with time, and although the odd fire
bucket will slow it down, you've got to move
fast. Unfortunately, if you get too close to the
fire, you become hot and find it difficult to
breathe. This has the effect of flowing your
actions. If the fire catches up with you or you get
into a burning room, you will be totally over-
come, and have to start again. Stacey won't
love you much if you fail her.
To help you in your task, a light will shine on
the plan view of the City Hall to indicate your
location. Once a room has been visited, it will
be marked in colour to show your achievement.
Use door passes correctly, and consider what
items might be helpful in getting Stacey out of
the lift shaft. Once you've got her, don't forget
to hurry to find a way out. It's not as easy as it
Important. To get out, you're going to need a
set of numbers, which fit into the code holder
you start off with. When filled, this holder must
be set to break the security-locked door at the
bottom right of the City Hall - and that's a long
When you press the fire button, control will be
passed from Bond to the upper part of the duck
shoot menu. Moving left or right will scroll the
objects you are carrying past the selection
point. When you have selected the object, press
the fire button and control will be passed to the
lower menu. If you want to go straight to the
lower menu, select the downward arrow. In the
lower menu you have a number of actions
which can be selected.
These are:
RETURN - Returns control to Bond
SEARCH - Searches the room you are in. Any
object that is in the room will be displayed on
the upper duck shoot. Select the objects you
want to pick up by scrolling the menu and
pressing the fire button.
DROP - Drops the object selected in the upper
USE - Uses the object selected in the upper
GIVE - Enables you to give an object to the girl
if she is with you.
STAY - If the girl is with you, then selecting the
picture of her head and this command will
instruct her to stay in the room.
FOLLOW - When selected in conjunction with
the girls head, will instruct her to follow you.
PAUSE - Allows you to Pause the game.
ABORT - If you select this, the lower menu will
flash. If you really want to abort then press the
fire button again. This will return you to the start
of the game.
GUN AND BULLETS: You will find a gun and
some bullets in the City Hall. Using the gun you
can shoot open the interconnecting doors. To
do this, select the gun and then select the USE
option. It takes two uses of the gun to shoot
open a door. Take care, you will only find a
small number of bullets, don't get too trigger
DOOR KEYS: These keys are colour coded for
specific doors. They can only be used in the
door for which they are intended.
SECURITY CARDS: These are colour coded for
the doors for which they are intended. N.B. The
yellow card is outlined in black.
CUPBOARD KEYS: Colour coded and can be
used to open locked cupboards.
and they will aid you in the mine.
You will find many other objects, but you will
have to work out how they can help you or hin-
der you.
At last, Max Zorin's plan is revealed. As Bond
suspected all along, the evil mastermind of the
electronics empire is intent on capturing the sili-
con chip market. What better way to achieve
this than blowing up the disused mine under
Silicon Valley and set off the geological faults to
send the whole area into the Pacific? Bond
enters the old mine to discover the nuclear
detonator has been set and time is ticking
away. The bomb is in an underground cavern,
and the only way to get it out is to be winched
down. He needs help - and May Day is the only
person strong enough to help him. She may be
Zorin's henchperson, but surely she must rea-
lize the insanity of it all? He must find her and
persuade her to aid him in his effort to save
countless lives and the computer world! This is
where you take over. You're in the mine, and
must use the objects you find and the help you
need to defuse the bomb before it is too late!
As you run through the mine, use the lift to
reach different levels, or climb ropes to get the
various items which will be useful. Sometimes
you may have to tumble into oblivion, but you
can look before you jump. Watch out for the
nasty pits - have you got your grappling hook?
Will the dynamite blow up the section of rock
you want to go through? Have you got what
you need to light it? Will time run out, will the
Pacific's fish meet Silicon Valley's chips? All this
and more awaits you!
Important: When you've found May Day, she
will set off on another route; meet her at the
winching point later on, but make sure you've
freed her before you leave. Your reward for
succeeding is a fitting end for such an accom-
plished super Secret Agent!
The Mine Duck Shoot works in the same way as
the duck shoot in City Hall. There are some dif-
ferent commands, these are as follows:
GET LIFT: If you are standing next to the lift
shaft then this command will cause the lift to
move to your level.
WINCH DOWN: If you have successfully
assembled all the winch mechanisms and have
rescued MAY DAY then using this command will
cause May Day to winch you down to the
WINCH UP: This will cause May Day to winch you
GRAPNEL GUN: using the gun will allow you to
shoot a rope up from your position to whatever is
above. You will then be able to jump onto the rope
and climb it as normal. When you jump off, the rope
will rewind. Take care; you only have a limited num-
ber of charges.
DYNAMITE AND LIGHTER: Both of these objects can
be used in conjunction to blow up certain rocks.
GEIGER COUNTER: If you found this in the City
Hall, it will then be displayed on screen and will
show how close to the bomb you are.
CODE NUMBERS: You will find numbers through-
out the mine, five of these numbers, used in the cor-
rect order, will defuse the detonator. It is possible to
find out which are the correct numbers and se-
quence. But that is a problem worthy of the best
Secret Agent!
Document created by Frode Tenneb, 20070606.
How to Load - Please refer to cassette tape
Your name is Bond - James Bond, the world's
top Secret Agent, and now embarking on one
of the most important missions of your career.
To fail is the worst thing that can happen to you.
Your objective is to discover what dastardly
plan is being hatched by Max Zorin, an unscru-
pulous European electronics magnate, and
prevent him from carrying it out. You learn that
the information you need is in three main lo-
cations. Paris, where you must make contact
with May Day to get a vital clue. The City Hall in
San Francisco, where various secrets are hid-
den, and finally a Silver Mine under Silicon Val-
ley, where you piece together your information
and finally foil Max Zorin - we all hope!
At the end of the first two games you'll be given
a code which you must type in at the start of
each new game. This simply tells the program
how well you've done in the last game, and
passes over various helpful pieces of informa-
tion. You may play any game at any time, but to
be totally successful in the final game you must
have done as well as James Bond himself
would have! This will become apparent as you
play each game. Once you've got the codes,
you can always use them again - the numbers
are not randomly generated each time. How-
ever, you may wish to improve them each time.
Each game is played in real time. You're against
the clock - and good times are passed on via
the code to give you more time in subsequent
James Bond doesn't exactly die - but he can fail
when you play him! He may irrevocably
damage his car around Paris - or become
engulfed in flames in City Hall. How the real
James Bond gets out of these situations without
your help (some might say interference!) is left
to your imagination. Needless to say, he lives to
fight another day, and you can try, try and try
(Different in various games)
Pause - Select this on your menu, and give
yourself a break. Open a bottle of Bollinger
Champagne, or light a Davidoff cigar. Sit back
for thought, and time will stand still.
Abort - So things are a little tricky on this mis-
sion and you want a weekend in Acapulco.
Select Abort on the menus, press 'fire' twice (not
applicable in Paris - you're on holiday anyway)
and pack your bags.
Music - You have a choice of "The James Bond
Theme" by Monty Norman (c) 1962 United Part-
nerships Ltd. Reproduced by permission, or the
hit single "A View to a Kill" by Duran Duran and
John Barry (c) 1985 Tritec Music Ltd/CBS Songs
Ltd. Reproduced by permission at various
points in the game.
Controls - All games may be joystick or key-
board operated.
Speech - You'll hear it at various times - listen
The scene is set:
Bond has been briefed by 'M' and has been
instructed to find out what Max Zorin's plot is all
about. He has lunch in the Eiffel Tower with a
friendly Agent who is killed by May Day. Bond
chases her up the Tower, but she hurls herself
off the top and parachutes to a drop point on
the outskirts of Paris. He leaps onto the top of
the Tower lift and commandeers a taxi at the
bottom. From then on, you take over. You can
follow her movements with the aid of a radio
tracker, which indicates her proximity and her
altitude, and her shadow will pass over your
aerial view. You can see the building in front of
you through the windscreen, and your speed,
the time and your damage is indicated on the
dash-board. Your objective is to reach the cor-
rect drop point exactly at the same time as she
does, but be careful. The winds constantly
change, and her direction may alter at any
time, landing her on any one of a number of
possible drop points.
Along your route you will encounter various
hazards. The street's one way system is indi-
cated by little yellow arrows, and going against
the system may cause the police cars to chase
you. Watch out, they may take a pot shot at you!
The drivers around Paris are fairly reckless,
and the odd Porsche may career into you. There
are barriers to avoid, and brushing into build-
ings will definitely take it out on your blue
Renault. Because Bond never travels without a
pistol, you can use one here to knock out
unwelcome vehicles which may get into your
path. Also, being an expert driver, handbrake
turns are easy for you, and may get you out of
tricky situations!
Controls - for details of joystick or keyboard
controls see the title screen.
In the event that you fail to catch May Day the
game will automatically start again. Maybe
you'll have learnt something! If you do well your
code will be important for use in later games. It
relates your success to the other programs, in a
way that you'll subsequently discover.
James Bond has travelled to San Francisco in
his search for Max Zorin. Armed with the infor-
mation from May Day he finds him in the City
Hall, but Zorin turns the tables. At gun point,
Bond and his companion, Stacey, are pushed
into the lift, and trapped between floors. In an
effort to finish them off in an "accident", Zorin
sets fire to the top floor of the City Hall, and
leaves. Bond pulls himself out of the lift and
must now get Stacey and himself out of the
burning building. You take over at this point.
Using the "duck shoot" menu system, you can
either move Bond from room to room, or take
action, such as searching, using, dropping or
issuing commands to Stacey. You can also
select the top menu, to collect objects which will
be useful later on. There is however a limit to
what you can carry, so be selective. Your objec-
tive is to find some way of getting Stacey out of
the lift, and fight your way to safety.
You will notice that the fire has started on
your view of the City Hall. This will spread
across with time, and although the odd fire
bucket will slow it down, you've got to move
fast. Unfortunately, if you get too close to the
fire, you become hot and find it difficult to
breathe. This has the effect of flowing your
actions. If the fire catches up with you or you get
into a burning room, you will be totally over-
come, and have to start again. Stacey won't
love you much if you fail her.
To help you in your task, a light will shine on
the plan view of the City Hall to indicate your
location. Once a room has been visited, it will
be marked in colour to show your achievement.
Use door passes correctly, and consider what
items might be helpful in getting Stacey out of
the lift shaft. Once you've got her, don't forget
to hurry to find a way out. It's not as easy as it
Important. To get out, you're going to need a
set of numbers, which fit into the code holder
you start off with. When filled, this holder must
be set to break the security-locked door at the
bottom right of the City Hall - and that's a long
When you press the fire button, control will be
passed from Bond to the upper part of the duck
shoot menu. Moving left or right will scroll the
objects you are carrying past the selection
point. When you have selected the object, press
the fire button and control will be passed to the
lower menu. If you want to go straight to the
lower menu, select the downward arrow. In the
lower menu you have a number of actions
which can be selected.
These are:
RETURN - Returns control to Bond
SEARCH - Searches the room you are in. Any
object that is in the room will be displayed on
the upper duck shoot. Select the objects you
want to pick up by scrolling the menu and
pressing the fire button.
DROP - Drops the object selected in the upper
USE - Uses the object selected in the upper
GIVE - Enables you to give an object to the girl
if she is with you.
STAY - If the girl is with you, then selecting the
picture of her head and this command will
instruct her to stay in the room.
FOLLOW - When selected in conjunction with
the girls head, will instruct her to follow you.
PAUSE - Allows you to Pause the game.
ABORT - If you select this, the lower menu will
flash. If you really want to abort then press the
fire button again. This will return you to the start
of the game.
GUN AND BULLETS: You will find a gun and
some bullets in the City Hall. Using the gun you
can shoot open the interconnecting doors. To
do this, select the gun and then select the USE
option. It takes two uses of the gun to shoot
open a door. Take care, you will only find a
small number of bullets, don't get too trigger
DOOR KEYS: These keys are colour coded for
specific doors. They can only be used in the
door for which they are intended.
SECURITY CARDS: These are colour coded for
the doors for which they are intended. N.B. The
yellow card is outlined in black.
CUPBOARD KEYS: Colour coded and can be
used to open locked cupboards.
and they will aid you in the mine.
You will find many other objects, but you will
have to work out how they can help you or hin-
der you.
At last, Max Zorin's plan is revealed. As Bond
suspected all along, the evil mastermind of the
electronics empire is intent on capturing the sili-
con chip market. What better way to achieve
this than blowing up the disused mine under
Silicon Valley and set off the geological faults to
send the whole area into the Pacific? Bond
enters the old mine to discover the nuclear
detonator has been set and time is ticking
away. The bomb is in an underground cavern,
and the only way to get it out is to be winched
down. He needs help - and May Day is the only
person strong enough to help him. She may be
Zorin's henchperson, but surely she must rea-
lize the insanity of it all? He must find her and
persuade her to aid him in his effort to save
countless lives and the computer world! This is
where you take over. You're in the mine, and
must use the objects you find and the help you
need to defuse the bomb before it is too late!
As you run through the mine, use the lift to
reach different levels, or climb ropes to get the
various items which will be useful. Sometimes
you may have to tumble into oblivion, but you
can look before you jump. Watch out for the
nasty pits - have you got your grappling hook?
Will the dynamite blow up the section of rock
you want to go through? Have you got what
you need to light it? Will time run out, will the
Pacific's fish meet Silicon Valley's chips? All this
and more awaits you!
Important: When you've found May Day, she
will set off on another route; meet her at the
winching point later on, but make sure you've
freed her before you leave. Your reward for
succeeding is a fitting end for such an accom-
plished super Secret Agent!
The Mine Duck Shoot works in the same way as
the duck shoot in City Hall. There are some dif-
ferent commands, these are as follows:
GET LIFT: If you are standing next to the lift
shaft then this command will cause the lift to
move to your level.
WINCH DOWN: If you have successfully
assembled all the winch mechanisms and have
rescued MAY DAY then using this command will
cause May Day to winch you down to the
WINCH UP: This will cause May Day to winch you
GRAPNEL GUN: using the gun will allow you to
shoot a rope up from your position to whatever is
above. You will then be able to jump onto the rope
and climb it as normal. When you jump off, the rope
will rewind. Take care; you only have a limited num-
ber of charges.
DYNAMITE AND LIGHTER: Both of these objects can
be used in conjunction to blow up certain rocks.
GEIGER COUNTER: If you found this in the City
Hall, it will then be displayed on screen and will
show how close to the bomb you are.
CODE NUMBERS: You will find numbers through-
out the mine, five of these numbers, used in the cor-
rect order, will defuse the detonator. It is possible to
find out which are the correct numbers and se-
quence. But that is a problem worthy of the best
Secret Agent!
Document created by Frode Tenneb, 20070606.