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Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge

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Скачать игру ZX Spectrum - Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
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Описание игры

Яркий представитель гоночных компьютерных игр на одного или двух игроков. Игра «Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge» хорошо известна игрокам не только ZX Spectrum, но также и своими версиями для Amiga, Commodore 64 и даже IBM PC-совместимых компьютеров.

Вам дается автомобиль Lotus и цель — прийти в первой десятке к финишу. В игре около десятка популярных гоночных трасс и, чтобы перейти к следующей, необходимо оказаться в числе автомобилей, прошедших квалификацию. Место на старте в каждой последующей гонке будет зависеть от того, каким вы пришли к финишу в предыдущей гонке. Интересно то, что на некоторых уровнях вас будут поджидать различные сложные погодные условия, которые будут затруднять ваше движение по трассе.

Некоторые из трасс слишком продолжительные, чтобы проехать их без дозаправки. Для заправки по ходу заезда существуют пит-стопы. Пит-стопы находятся как правило недалеко от старта или финиша, обозначены они желтым знаком. Чтобы заправиться, нужно остановиться в пит-стопе. После этого вам будет показана простенькая анимация, где будет изображен наполняющийся бензобак. Как только вам покажется, что топлива достаточно, нажимайте «огонь» и езжайте дальше

Управление в игре позволяет выбрать автоматическую коробку передач или ручную. Кроме того в игре есть опция, когда автомобиль сам будет разгоняться и без нажатия клавиши вперед.

Управление простое и стандартное: Y — газ (или вверх), H — тормоз (или вниз), O/P — влево и вправо, «пробел» — огонь. Для переключения передач используйте вверх+огонь/вниз+огонь.

Существует также версия для ZX Spectrum 128 с музыкой и дополнительными экранами.

Дополнительные материалы

Обложка кассеты с игрой Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
Рекламный флаер для игры Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge

Видео c игрой

Описание игры на другом языке


Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge is a one or two player racing game that
Gremlin believe is one of the fastest, smoothest and most addictive
arcade style racing games of all time. The ultimate aim of the game
is to qualify for the Lotus License, which will only be issued to the
elite band of individuals that complete all thirty two tracks and
finish top of the racers table at the end of all that motoring.
Details of how to get your Lotus License once you have achieved this
mammoth task are given later in this manual.


Spectrum 48
Type LOAD"" and press ENTER. Press PLAY on the cassette recorder.
The game will now load automatically.

Spectrum 128/+2/+3
Use the LOADER option as normal.

Commodore 64/128 Cassette
Insert cassette into the cassette unit. Press SHIFT and RUN STOP
simultaneously. Press PLAY on the cassette unit. The program will
now load and run automatically.

Commodore 64/128 Disk
Insert the disk into the drive. Type LOAD"*",8,1 and press RETURN.
The program will load and run automatically.

Amstrad Cassette
Insert cassette into cassette unit. Press CONTROL (CTRL) and the
small ENTER key simultaneously. Press play on the cassette unit and
then press any key. The program will load and run automatically.

Amstrad Disk
Insert the disk into the drive, label side up. Type:CPM and press
ENTER. The program will load and run automatically.

1. Plug your joystick into port number 2.
2. Switch on your TV/Monitor and then your computer.
3. Insert the game disk into the built in disk drive.
4. The game will now load automatically.

Atari ST
1. Plug your joystick into port number 1.
2. Insert the game disk into the disk drive.
3. Switch on your TV/Monitor and then your computer.
4. The game will now load automatically.


The main options are presented on the Options screen. To make a
choice, simply move the joystick up and down to highlight the option
you wish to alter, and then move your joystick left or right. The
options available are as follows:

Difficulty: The choices here are Easy, Medium, Difficult and practice.
On the easy level, there are seven races to complete, on medium there
are ten and fifteen on the difficult level. The practice option
allows you to practice your driving on a specially designed practice
track. [Not available on Speccy :-(]
Easy level covers tracks 1-7, Medium 8-17, and Hard 18-32.

Number of Players: One or Two

Name of Player: Type in your name on this option, after first deleting
the name that's already present on the menu.

Manual Gears/Computerised Gears: Choose computerised or manual gears.
Normal manual gears are much harder to get to grips with initially,
but the acceleration and top speed of the computerised gears are less
than when using manual gears.

Manual/Computerised Accelerate: simplified controls, you take care only
about steering and brake.

up = Accelerate
down = Brake
up+fire = Change up a gear
down+fire = Change down a gear
left = Steer Left
right = Steer Right

[On Speccy, player1 uses arrows and Num.'0' while player2 keys 1-5.
Y,H,O,P and Spc doesn't work on my snapshot, maybe original TZX...]

Special keys:
W = Hold, Q = Go, Break = Restart to "Options screen"

Mouse Controls:
(Computerised gears only.)
Left Mouse button: Accelerate
Right Mouse button: Brake

Once you have completed your selection, press the fire button to leave
this screen.
Following this screen, you will be given the opportunity of choosing
the tune that will accompany your racing efforts. There are four in
all, and are chosen by moving the joystick left and right, and
pressing fire when the tune you wish to hear is highlighted.


On each level, the player be informed which position must be
achieved in order to qualify for the next race. On the two player
game, if either driver qualifies, then both racers are carried
forward to the next race. The players next starting position will be
determined by his finishing position on the previous race, which will
be inverted. So, for example, if the player finishes first, he will
start the next race in twentieth place, and he finishes second he will
start the next race in nineteenth, and so on. On some of the later
tracks, the driver will come across some nasty hazards both on and off
the roads, and some of the tracks will throw up some pretty nasty


Some tracks are too long to complete without stopping for fuel, and so
pitstops will be required. These are always to be found just after
the start/finish line, and are indicated by the yellow spanner sign.
In order to carry out a fuel stop, pull into the pit lane and brake.
You will then go to another screen where you will see your fuel tank
being filled, the amount being indicated on a meter on the right hand
side of the screen. You can leave this screen as soon as you think
you have enough fuel by hitting the fire button.

Qualifying for the Lotus License
Once you have completed Lotus Esprit turbo Challenge, you will be
presented with a special message. You must write this message in full
on the enclosed card (No photocopies will be accepted), and fill in
all the other details requested on the card. Once this is completed,
return it to Gremlin Graphics, and your license will be forwarded to

Applying for your Lotus Licence
Once you have completed Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge, you can apply
for your Lotus licence. To apply for your Lotus licence, simply fill
in the form over this page and post it to: Lotus Licence, Gremlin
Graphics, Alpha House, 10 Carver Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire
S1 4FS.

| __ |
| / \ __ Track One |
| / \ / \ |
| / \_/' `\ Verona |
| / | |
| / /' Italy |
| \_______________/' |

| __ |
| / \_ Track Two |
| | `\_ |
| | `\_ ___ Monterey |
| | `\__/ \_ |
| | `\__ Mexico |
| `\________________________| |

| _________________ |
| /' `\ Track Three |
| | ______________| |
| | /' Fiskivoth |
| | \ |
| | | Iceland |
| `\____/' |

| __ |
| /' | Track Four |
| /' /' ___ __ |
| /__ /____/' '\_/' | Cordoba |
| /' /' |
| | /' Spain |
| `\______________/' |

| ___ |
| /' | Track Five |
| /' /' |
| /' / Norwich |
| ___________/' / |
| /' / England |
| \__________________/ |

| _______________ |
| /' `\ Track Six |
| _____/' | |
| / | Falconberg |
| \_____ | |
| `\ | Sweden |
| `\________________/' |

| __________________ |
| ______/' `\ Track Seven |
| /' __ | |
| \ /' `\__/' Nan Chong |
| / | |
| \ _______/' China |
| `\______/' |

| _______ |
| /' `\ Track Eight |
| /__ `\ |
| \ `\ Merikania |
| \ / |
| \ /' Finland |
| \_____/' |

| _______ _ |
| /' | _/' | Track Nine |
| /' /\ |_/' /' |
| /' /' \ /' Muang Kham Mouan |
| \__/' | /' |
| | /' Thailand |
| `\_/' |

| |
| My computer format is: |
| |
| The two numbers given on completion of Lotus |
| Esprit |
| Turbo Challenge are: |
| |
| First Number: |
| |
| Second Number: |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Name:__________________________________________|
| |
| Address:_______________________________________|
| |
| |
| Postcode: |
| |
| |

Copyright Gremlin Graphics Software Limited 1990

This manual and the information contained on the floppy disks are
copyrighted by Gremlin Graphics Ltd. The owner of this product is
entitled to use the product for his or her own personal use only. No
one may transfer, give or sell any part of either the manual or
information on the disk without the prior permission of Gremlin
Graphics Software Limited. Any person or persons reproducing any part
of the program, in any media, for any reason, shall be guilty of
copyright violation and shall be subject to civil liability at the
discretion of the copyright holder.

Document was edited in order to fit Speccy users' needs by
Aleksandar (dot) Lukic (at) ev.co.yu
All controls, options,... were checked, so have a fun ! ;-)