Описание игры
Есть такие игры, которые оставляют в памяти неизгладимое впечатление, и спустя многие годы хочется вернуться к ним, почувствовать, «как это было». Одна из таких игр – Quazatron от Hewson Consultants.
Будущее… Раса роботов заполонила всю планету. Это не простые механические железки с электронными мозгами, а настоящая иерархия, куда входят военные, медики, биороботы, ремонтные дроиды и так далее. Используя свою силу, действуя слажено, им удалось победить коренных жителей и установить свой диктат. Казалось бы, тема далеко не новая. Но интересно, как человечество отреагировало на эту угрозу. Как говорится в поговорке – «клин клином вышибают» — и вот на планету роботов высаживают специально разработанного для этих целей… робота, чья цель – победить систему и освободить планету.
Вы управляете этим роботом. Сам он на вид неказист и совсем не похож на машину для убийств. Добродушное ведро с глазами, совсем как на логотипе «Андроида», но за пару десятилетий до его воплощения в виде мобильной платформы. Да-да, вы управляете роботом KLP-2, который имеет не только лазер, но и пару улыбающихся глаз. Чем больше энергии у “Klepto”, тем шире его улыбка.
Игра проходит в аксонометрической псевдотрехмерной проекции. Вы катаетесь взад и вперед, пытаясь увернуться от врагов. Вражеские роботы имеют на своем борту маркировку – букву и цифру. Буква указывает на род войск, а цифра – на класс, или уровень развития, робота. Врагов можно расстреливать издали. Однако куда как выгоднее – схватиться с ними в ближнем бою. И тогда, активировав специализированный Grapple Unit, вы сможете не только одолеть врага, но и, вмешавшись в его внутренние схемы, захватить часть его оборудования, уцелевшее в бою, и установить себе. Шасси, лазер, источник питания и кое-что еще будут доступны в том случае, если вам удастся разгадать логическую головоломку за определенное время. Чем сильнее робот – тем сложнее головоломка. Удалось – запчасти ваши. А если нет – игре конец.
Путешествия по нескольким уровням, не забывайте подзаряжаться в специально отведенных для этого местах. Мониторы там и тут показывают карту (вот бы еще в ней разобраться), а специальные подъемники перемещают вас в новую стадию. Вот только перед этим нужно уничтожить всех врагов на уровне.
Видео c игрой
Описание игры на другом языке
Hewson Consultants
Graftgold Ltd (Steve Turner/Andrew Braybrook)
Quazatron is a 3D arcade strategy game.
Keyboard, Cursor, Kempston.
Left/up - A, S, D, F, G
Left/down - B, N, M, symbol shift
Right/up - H, J, K, L
Right/down - Z, X, C, V, caps shift
Fire - ENTER
Autofire - W (toggle)
Pause - P (except in Grapple mode)
You control KLP-2 (Klepto), a droid assigned to deactivate the
hostile alien droids of Quazatron, which basically means destroy
all the robots on each level. This can be done by laser fire,
by pushing them to destruction, by ramming them or by grappling
with them using your experimental Grapple Device. This allows
you to dismantle the droid and use their parts to increase your
own power and facilities.
You can fire your weapons by using the fire button or by pressing
W to activate autofire. Weapons fire in the direction KLP-2 is
facing. There are many different weapons which can be taken from
enemy droids. The weapons can only be used while KLP-2 is
To grapple and enemy droid, make KLP-2 stop moving and press fire
until the yellow message at the bottom left shows GRAPPLE and the
G light flashes. Then you can ram the enemy droid to dismantle
it. To turn off GRAPPLE mode, press fire again while stationary.
To successfully grapple you must overcome the enemy droid's
security circuit. The idea is to turn as many lights your colour
as possible by shooting the pulses at them. You have a few
seconds to move left or right to select the side of the circuit
which you wish to use. Your target uses the opposite side to
fight back. Move your pulsers up and down the wires and activate
them with the fire button. The channel of the pulses is affected
by any hardware on the tracks. If you succeed in interfacing,
the status of the enemy droid's Drive, Power, Weapon, Chassis and
Devices are displayed. You can then take any of these parts for
your own use by selecting them with up/down and pressing fire.
Damaged elements are unusable. The more lights that you made
your own colour, the less parts will be damaged.
You must make sure when choosing parts that they are suitable.
For example, you will need a strong power unit to power and
strong weapons or drive units that you may have.
To change levels, find a lift square and press fire. A side view
of the city is shown. Move up/down to the required level and
left/right to exit the lift.
To use a console, move up to it and press fire. Use left/right
to select an icon and press fire. You will see four icons:
1. Robot - Return to game
2. Diamond shape - 3D map of current level
3. Side view - side elevation of citadel
4. Query robot - droid data library
Use left/right or up/down to move to the next screen. Press fire
to exit. You can only view data on droids of a similar or lower
security class to your current class. To improve your status you
must grapple successfully with a higher class of droid. The first
screen displayed shows your current status including data on
Weapon, Drive, Power, Chassis and Devices.
Your energy is shown by the rotation speed of the head of KLP-2.
KLP-2's expression changes from happy to upset as he runs out of
energy. Energy may be replace from energy points on some levels
but your maximum energy allowed continuously falls as your power
unit burns out under the burden of your Grapple Device. Replace
power units for longer life. Extra equipment affects the rate at
which your energy is consumed.
The light on the right of the lower panel is the alert status
monitor. Disabling droids in quick succesion causes the alert
status to go to red and more points can be scored. When the last
droid on a level is destroyed the citadel lights automatically
go out.
The alien droids are classified from A-1 (the highest and
toughest) to X-9 (the lowest and weakest). The higher classes
tend to have the best parts. The droids' identifiers are stamped
on their breast plates. A table of all the different droids was
printed in an issue of Sinclair User, around 1986, so if anybody
has an ASCII version of it, or would like to type it out, please
contact me at stevo@jonlan.demon.co.uk.
Quazatron was followed up by a slightly similar game called
Magnetron. It was a flip-screen version, and had a different
grapple game.
for the 48K ZX Spectrum, Spectrum Plus
and Spectrum 128K
You control KLP-2 (Klepto) a wayward Meknotech
droid assigned to deactivate hostile alien droids
which inhabit the underground city of Quazatron on
the planet Quartech. You must destroy the alien
droids by laser fire, by pushing them off their pro-
grammed routes to destruction, or by ramming
them (provided you are stronger than they are).
KLP-2 has a prototype Grapple device enabling the
alien robots to be stopped and dismantled. The
parts recovered from the aliens can be added to
KLP-2 to extend his facilities and endurance.
The alien computer system can be tapped to provide
maps of the various levels and obtain data on the
alien droids and their constituent parts.
If you have a joystick then plug it into the edge con-
nector at the rear of your Spectrum. Connect your
cassette player to the Spectrum in the usual way.
Place the cassette in the cassette player, rewind it if
necessary and press the PLAY button. If you have a
Spectrum 128K make sure it is in 48K mode. Type
LOAD " " on the Spectrum keyboard and press the
ENTER key. Wait a few minutes for the game to load
and the keyboard/joystick selection menu to be
Quazatron is played diagonally except when in
Grapple mode.
A, S, D, F or G H, J, K or L
or joystick left or joystick up
B, N, M or s/s Z, X, C, V or c/s
or joystick down or joystick right
or joystick fire
Press W key (repeat to turn off)
PAUSE (except in Grapple mode)
Press P key (press fire to restart)
If you use a joystick it may help to rotate it 45
degrees clockwise.
These can be activated using the fire button or by
pressing W to select auto-fire. Weapons fire in the
direction KLP-2 is facing. Many different weapons
can be taken from enemy droids and the data library
contains hints on which weapons are most useful.
The weapons can only be used while KLP-2 is
Decide on your target droid, centre the joystick (or
take your hands off the keyborad) and press fire until
the yellow message at the bottom left shows
"GRAPPLE" and the "G" light flashes. Then you can
--------------------------------------------------------ram the
enemy droid to dismantle it. If you wish to
turn off "GRAPPLE" mode and switch back to
weapon mode press fire again.
To successfully grapple with a droid you must
engage its security circuit. You must use your
Pulsers to turn at least 7 of the 12 rectangles on the
central bar to your colour. You have a few seconds
to move left or right to select the side of the circuit
which you wish to use. Your target uses the opposite
side to fight back.
Move your Pulsers up and down the wires and acti-
vate them with the fire button. Try to avoid Ter-
minators, Joiners and Colour Switchers. Aim
instead for Splitters and Auto Pulsers.
If the Grapple action is successful the status report
of the control elements Drive, Power, Weapon,
Chassis and Devices of the target droid is displayed.
If you wish to remove one or more of these elements
for your own use make your selection using up/
down and pressing fire. Some of the elements may
be damaged and therefore unusable.
If you win the Grapple action overwhelmingly, the
elements of the alien robot are less likely to be dam-
aged. In all circumstances you should select ele-
ments wisely. A weak power unit for example will be
drained uncomfortably quickly by heavy weaponry.
Similarly a poor drive unit will not support substan-
tial shields.
Each alien droid is classified from 1 (the most
sophisticated and difficult to beat) to 9 (the most
menial). The higher classes of droids tend to have
better elements for you to win in a Grapple action. A
preceding letter distinguishes between different
droids within the same class. The identifying letter
and number are stamped on each droid's breast
Find a lift square and press fire. A side view of the
city is shown. Move up/down to the required level
and left or right to exit the lift.
Find a console and press fire. Use left/right to select
an icon and press fire.
Your robot symbol - return to game
Diamond shape - 3D map of current level
Side view - side elevation of citadel
Query robot - droid data library
Use left/right or up/down to move to next screen.
Press fire to exit. You can only view data on droids of
a similar or lower security class to your current
class. To improve your status you must Grapple
successfully with a higher class of droid.
The first screen displayed shows your current status
including data on Weapon, Drive, Power, Chassis
and Devices.
Your energy is shown by the rotation speed of the
head of the KLP-2. KLP-2's expression changes from
happy to upset as he runs out of energy. Energy may
be replaced from energy points on some levels but
your maximum energy allowed continuously falls
as your power unit burns out. Exchange power units
for longer life. Extra equipment affects the rate at
which your energy is consumed.
The light on the right of the lower panel is the alert
status. Disabling droids in quick succession causes
the alert status to rise to red and more points can be
When the last droid on a level is destroyed the
citadel lights automatically go out.
C Hewson Consultants Ltd 1986 and Graftgold Ltd
Made in Great Britain
The program and data are copyright and may not
be reproduced either in part or in total by any
means without the written permission of Hewson
Consultants Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide.
Unauthorised hiring or lending is strictly prohibited.
No responsibility is accepted for any errors.
Our policy is one of constant improvement, there-
fore we reserve the right to modify any product with-
out notice.
Gameplay based on Paradroid for the C64 by
Andrew Braybrook.
Hewson Consultants Ltd
Hewson House
56B Milton Trading Estate
Oxon OX14 4RX
Crash gave it 94% in June 1986. It got 5/5 in Sinclair User, and
a Sinclair User Classic.
Quazatron was based on a similar C64 game called Paradroid,
written by Andrew Braybrook, also of Graftgold.
Look out for the programmer's own "pet" droid, the A-B Andrewoid.