Описание игры
Тяжела и неказиста жизнь простого бармена. И даже не так важно, в каком баре приходится работать – в чистом и светлом, с множеством столов и большой барной стойкой, или в последней забегаловке города, где собираются лишь отбросы общества. Работа всегда остается одной и той же – знай подавай посетителям напитки, ловко наполняя стаканы и пуская их вдоль стола, да получай оплату, иногда звонкой монетой, иногда потрепанными купюрами. На ZX Spectrum в игре Tapper можно попробовать себя в роли бармена.
Эта игра представляет собой порт оригинальной игры с аркадного автомата на домашний компьютер «Спектрум», выполненный компанией Sega и изданный фирмой U.S. Gold. Сюжет прост. На игровом экране отображается фигура бармена и несколько барных столов, вдоль которых движутся посетители. Клиентам нужно вовремя метать склянки со спиртным при помощи кнопки «огонь», при этом перемещаться от стола к столу, чтобы никто не был обделен. Те, кому напитков не хватило, постепенно приближаются к бармену, и когда они его настигнут, последнего ждет участь быть протащенным по барной стойке «фейсом об тейбл». Напоенные посетители обычно уходят в дверь, за что игрок получает очки. Некоторые посетители швыряют пустой стакан в сторону бармена. В этом случае важно успеть подхватить стекло, не дать ему упасть на пол бара и разбиться. Точно также не стоит пускать стакан с напитком по пустому столу – стакан «доедет» до противоположного конца стола, упадет и разобьется. Игрок в этом случае теряет жизнь.
Между уровнями игрока ждет небольшой бонус – сыграть в «наперстки», только вместо цыгана выступает ковбой, а вместо наперстков — банки с «Пепси». Если удастся угадать, какую банку не трясли, то в этом случае игроку будет начислен бонус в 3000 очков. В случае неудачи игрока обольют пепси с ног до головы.
При игре в эту игру стоит помнить о том, что экран закольцован, то есть, перемещаясь к самому нижнему столу и нажав опять «вниз», можно оказаться у верхнего стола. Это здорово экономит время, особенно когда поток посетителей, которых мучает жажда, очень большой.
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Описание игры на другом языке
Document created by rstuart@ukonline.co.uk on 28th Oct 1999 for
World of Spectrum: http://www.void.demon.nl/spectrum.html
The official home version of Bally Midway's arcade hit.
Side-splitting, soda-slicing laughs and spills!
Belly-busting Soda Fountain Fun, including:
* Mad-capped, soda-starved, clammering cowboys, sports fans, punks and space
* Plus a head-spinning Soda Bandit Bonus Round
Awsome colour-packed action graphics
Just try to keep your cool as hot-headed, crazy customers blitz your bar for
another cold one.
Published by Sega Enterprises, Inc. TAPPER is a trademark of Bally Midway
Mfg. Co. (c) 1983 Bally Midway Mfg. Co. BALLY/MIDWAY is a trademark of Bally
Midway Mfg. Co. (C) 1984 Sega Enterprises.
U.S. Gold, Unit 10, Parkway Industrial Centre, Heneage Street, Birmingham.
Bally Midway Tapper - Official Arcade Game
You are the frenzied bartender trying to keep the never ending flow of
thirsty customers well watered. You'll have to keep slinging sodas,
collecting your tips and occasionally guessing which cans of soda the Soda
Bandit has shaken.
As if that's not enough work for one bartender, try covering four
different bars with a different crazy crowd in each bar. There's the Old West
Saloon, the Jock Bar, the Punk Rock Bar, and the Space Bar.
Keep the sodas coming, but not too fast. You'd better be sure you've got
a customer without a drink or the drink will slide right off the bar and no
self-respecting bartender throws drinks away. Keey your eyes open for the
empties the customers sling back your way.
Using Your Controls
Position the cassette in your tape recorder with the printed side upwards
and make sure that it is rewound to the beginning. Ensure that the connection
lead goes from the EAR socket on the recorder to the EAR socket on the
Spectrum and that the MIC socket is disconnected.
Type LOAD ""
is obtained by pressing SYMBOL SHIFT and the P key simultaneously. For
further instructions consult your manual.
Press PLAY on the recorder. The screen message should appear and the game
will load automatically. If this does not happen adjust the volume and tone
controls until loading takes place. When loaded follow screen instructions.
The keyboard details and various joystick options will appear.
How To Use The Menu:
Press any key during the title page, demo mode, or hall of fame and this
will bring you to the menu screen.
The menu displays three status boxes.
1. The number of players.
2. The present skill level.
3. The control option or options selected.
There is a list of keys to press which perform various functions, they are:
S to start play
I to request instructions
P to change between one or two players
L to select skill level, these levels being easy, fair and hard.
C ro change the control option.
Setting C gives each player the opportunity to select a joystick or define
the keyboard. Press J to loop through the joystick selections or D to define
the various keyboard selections.
After the selection is complete press
player option is selected player two can select after player one presses
Abort game: Press CAPS SHIFT and SPACE BAR (together).
Toggle Sound ON/OFF: Press CAPS SHIFT and HALT (together).
Use your joystick control to move your Bartender accordingly:
Up - Bartender moves up to next bar.
Left - Bartender moves left along bar.
Right - Bartender moves right along bar.
Down - Bartender moves down to next bar.
If you move your Bartender down all the way to the bottom bar and you
continue to press the joystick down, he will automatically wrap around to the
top bar. If you move your Bartender all the way to the top bar and continue
to press the joystick up, he will automatically wrap around the bottom bar.
Push the "Fire Button" for the Bartender to fill the mugs. You have to keep
the Bartender in place while filling mugs. The mugs will not go to customers
unless they are full.
How To Play
Screen and Gameplay:
Tapper consists of five different game screens. The Old West Saloon, the Jock
Bar, the Punk Bar, the Space Bar and the Bonus Round which occurs between
each of the four bar scenes.
Bonus Round:
In the bonus round "Watch Closely" appears on the bottom left on the screen.
The soda bandit appears and shakes six of the seven cans on the bar then
shuffles them around. You will have to keep a close eye on the one can he has
not shaken. When the soda bandit has stopped shuffling the cans the bartender
will appear. Use the left and right to move him along to the can you believe
wasn't shaken and press the fire botton. If you have chosen correctly you
will receive 3,000 points. If you are wrong you will be sprayed with soda.
Bar Scenes:
In order to advance through each of the screens comprising the different bar
scenes, you must successfully sarve each of the customers as they approach
you at each bar. When a customer finishes his soda, he'll sling his mug back
to the bartender. The Bartender must catch the empty mug, or lose a life. To
collect added points, you may collect the tips the customer will
occasionally leave on the bar. When you grab the tip, a duo of dancing girls
appear on the stage. But be careful! When they do, the customers will
naturally turn around to see them and while their backs are turned, any mug
of soda you sling will end up on the floor! In order to survive the demands
of tending bar, there are three things you must avoid.
1. Do not allow a customer to get all the way to the Bartender's end of the
bar without a drink. If you do, the disgruntled customer will sling the
Bartender down the bar.
2. If the Bartender jumps the gun and slings a soda where there is no
customer to grab it, the mug will crash at the end of the bar.
3. After customers at the bar have gulped down their sodas, they sling thir
empty muga back to the Bartender, if he is still on the screen. Do not ley
the mugs get by. If they do, it will crash on the floor. Each time any of
these three events occur, your Bartender will lose one of his lives.
Get Cowboy girl out of Door .................... 50 points
Get Sportsperson out of Door ................... 75 points
Get Punk Rocker out of Door ................... 100 points
Get Space Creature out of Door ................ 150 points
Catch an Empty Mug ............................ 100 points
Pick up Tip ................................. 1,500 points
Complete Screen (get all customers out) ..... 1,000 points
Complete Bonus Rack ......................... 3,000 points
Earn Extra Bartenders:
EASY earn extra Bartender lives every 10,000 points.
FAIR earn one extra life after your first 20,000 points and another life for
each additional 60,000 points.
HARD earn extra lives in an Expert game the same as the Arcade level except
you mus either earn 100,000 points to play at Expert level or you
choose Expert level and begin gameplay with 100,000 points.
Spectrum conversion by Ian Morrison and David Anderson with origional theme
music by Robin Muir. Produced by JOHN WOODS, Ocean Software Limited. TAPPER
is a trademark of Bally Midway Mtf. Co. Video game copyright (C) 1983 Bally
Midway Mfg. Co. BALLY MIDWAY is a trademark of Bally Midway Mfg. Co. - Sega
Enterprises, Inc. MOUNTAIN DEW is a registered trademark of PepsiCo, Inc.