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Konami’s Ping Pong

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Скачать игру ZX Spectrum - Konami’s Ping Pong
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Описание игры

Настольный теннис, или, как его еще называют, пинг-понг – это популярный игровой вид спорта, распространенный во всем мире. Традиционно высоких результатов в нем добиваются российские спортсмены, а также теннисисты из Китая, Кореи. Пинг-понг есть и на компьютере ZX Spectrum – эта игра доступна каждому желающему.

Графически игра выполнена очень хорошо. Перенесенная с игрового автомата от Konami и изданная компанией Imagine Software, она сохранила динамику и юмор аркадной версии. В центре игры теннисный стол. Игроков нет, вместо них по сторонам стола нарисованы теннисные ракетки. За одну из них играет компьютер, а второй управляет игрок. Перемещение ракеток довольно непростое – за мячом она движется сама, а вот удары необходимо наносить нажимая клавиши на клавиатуре. Всего доступно четыре удара, в том числе «свечка», и «бэкхенд». В зависимости от того, в какой игровой момент нажата клавиша, ракетка выполняет подачу, или отрабатывает защитный или наступательный прием. Как и в классической игре, счет ведется до 11 очков. Кто первый наберет 11 очков с преимуществом минимум в два очка, тот и выигрывает. Кроме того, при счете 10-10 счет ведется по одному очку, пока не появится перевес в два очка в пользу одного из игроков. Однако в любом счете игра прекращается по достижению 15 очков.

Сложностей в игре много. Одна из них – это правильно выполнить подачу. Необходимо попасть в противоположный край стола, в квадрат напротив, а затем уже можно отбивать мяч, не заботясь о том, чтобы он ударился о стол. Иногда создается ощущение, что ракетки движутся слишком медленно, чтобы успеть выполнить удар. Впрочем, необходимо просто набить руку.

В игре есть немного юмора. Когда игрок неудачно подает мяч, и он попадает в сетку (фол), зрители смеются, что очень обидно. В целом игра выполнена на высоком уровне, и ценители этого вида спорта и «Спектрума» должны по достоинству оценить ее.

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Рекламный флаер для игры Konami’s Ping Pong

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Описание игры на другом языке


Its program code, graphic representation, and
artwork are the copyright of Imagine Software
(1984) Limited and may not, be reproduced,
stored, hired or broadcast in any form
whatsoever without the written permission of
Imagine Software (1984) Limited. All rights
reserved worldwide. Ping Pong runs on the
Spectrum 48K and Spectrum +.


Ping Pong is a realistic simulation of table
tennis for one player.
The screen displays a three dimensional view
from above a ping pong table with the players
depicted as bats.
The game can be played at five different skill
levels against the computer, or another


Type LOAD "" [Note there is no
space between the two quotes]. The " is
obtained by pressing SYMBOL SHIFT and P
key simultaneously. For further instructions
consult chapter 6 of your manual. Now press
PLAY on the recorder. The screen message
should appear and the game will load
automatically. If this does not happen try
adjusting the volume and tone controls up until
loading takes place.


The game is controlled by joystick or
keyboard (which is redefinable).
The player is first offered the option of a single
or two player game.

One Player
The player has the following options
Kempston Joystick
Sinclair Interface 2
Cursor Joystick

Two Player
This is the same for one player, but with the
following options.
Keyboard v Keyboard [Players use different
Keyboard v Joystick [Any of the joysticks listed
Joystick v Joystick [Sinclair Interface 2 only]


SERVE - Enter


DRIVE <-----------+------------> CUT

BACKHAND Press fire button.


Toss up the ball for the serve by using the serve
Move joystick left or right to serve with drive or
cut respectively. You may serve backhand by
holding down the firebutton and have seven
seconds in which to make your serve.
If you do not serve before the countdown
reaches zero, the ball will be dropped on the


The Scoreboard
In a two player game the scoreboard is
displayed after each game. It shows the points
won by each player for each game.

/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
1 =/=====================\= 4
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
2 I I 6

5 3

Indicator 1 shows judge's calls on player one's
shots. Shots will be called as OUT or NET.
Indicator 2 shows player one's present game
Indicator 3 shows the current level, from 1 to 5.
Indicator 4 shows the calls on player two.
Indicator 5 displays the time left to serve.
Indicator 6 shows player two's present game

Entering your name on the High Score Table

Select the desired letter by moving left or right
and press the fire to make your selection.
A score of ten points is awarded each time a
player manages to hit the ball. 500 points are
awarded for a successful, point-winning smash.
At the end of each level, 1000 points are
awarded for each point of the winning margin,
as a bonus.
Both player's scores and the highscore are
displayed at the top of the screen. If a player's
score is large enough he will be given the
opportunity to enter his name in the high score
table at the end of his game


Each game is played to 11 points. The winner is
the first to reach 11, however he must win by at
least two clear points unless the score reaches
15, in which case the game will terminate.

The service changes after every five points,
however if a tie score of 10-10 is reached the
service changes after every point from
then on.

If a two player game is being played then a
match of three games is played. The first player
to win two games wins the match
In a one player game if the player wins then a
new game is started on the next highest
difficulty level.


When To Use Each Shot Type

Smash - This is a superfast shot used to return
'floaters'. Floaters will make a distinctive sound.
Drive - This is a fast shot normally used to
return the ball.
Cut - This is a slow shot which can be used to
interfere which your opponent's timing.
Forehand or Backhand - Switching back and
forth from backhand to forehand is effective
when your opponent tries to catch you on your
undefended side or when you want to force
your opponent to move right or left.
The direction in which the ball is returned
depends on the timing with which you hit it

Ping Pong Terminology

In - The serve or return is good.
Out - The serve or return is bad.
Net - A served ball hits the net and is OUT.
Deuce - A tie score at 10 and above.
Love All - Score is 0-0 at the start of the match.

This software tape has been carefully
developed and manufactured to the highest
quality standards. Please read carefully the
instructions for loading.
If for any reason you have difficulty in running
the program, and believe that the tape is
defective, please return it direct to:

Mr. Yates, Imagine Software (1984) Limited,
6 Central Street, Manchester M2 5NS.

Our quality control department will test the
product and supply an immediate replacement
if we find a fault. If we cannot find a fault the
tape will be returned immediately to you, at no



1986 Imagine Software (1984) Limited
Produced by D. C. Ward.

Taken from Project 64 http://project64.c64.org
Readapted for the Spectrum in 2001 AD by Alessandro Grussu
Re-edited (mistakes intact) with correct Spectrum instructions by Frode Tenneb, 20050821.